Friday, February 15, 2013

Shincheonji church: My life and views of life were changed after learning the word from Shincheonji.

(This is a testimony of one member of Shinchonji.)

My life and views of life were changed after learning the word from Shincheonji. I appreciate Man Hee Lee, the chairman of Shinchonji church

I am a student who used to go church regularly. I went and worshiped enthusiastically  because of the wish of heaven. I wished to go heaven where God lived. And I believed that it would be somewhere in the sky, the place we couldn't see and I would meet him someday after death. I had been thinking vaguely like that. I used to read this part in the Bible, "There shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, no more pain (Rv21:4)." I desired to go to heaven, the palace of God. How nice it could be! I thought that "This world I have been living is too gloomy. There are so many scary criminals dangerous things around me. But the heaven which I imagine must be full of happiness."

I used to spend my weekend praying, praising the Lord, and servicing for my church. However, I always wondered that I could go to the heaven. Whenever my pastor asked  the believers to raise their hand if they had a strong belief to be able to go to heaven, I raised my hand. But it was a lie. Because if everybody else except me raised their hands, I must have been felt shame, so I raised my hand, but honestly I felt guilty. I asked to myself, "God is the only one can save us. How people could know surely whether they are saved or not. Is it really saved if they want to or feel so by themselves? Only God would know it". So I prayed every time to ask that I became to know about God and what God wanted from me.

I didn't know much about God. No. Maybe it is true there was nothing I knew about, even though I went church every week. I didn't know even what he liked or disliked. Of course I heard sermons through worship, but that was not enough for me. I didn't know why! I just wanted to know about him from the beginning to the end, one by one.

One day I got a chance to study Bible formally. I thought that finally my God listened to my pray. I studied very hard. In my church, I had never studied like this. Because my pastor usually told us only about opinions of famous biblical scholars and there was no Bible study class or something like that. I was impressed that the teacher who had taught me the Bible, preached only the words of God in the Bible, for 2~3 hours. She had never mixed other scholars' opinions into the words of Bible. She spoke only according to Bible. I surprised of that. Because the pastors who I met before didn't so. Listening the words, I checked what I heard up through Bible again. Everyday I got to know more and more about God whom I really really wanted to know about. It was no more the guesses. It was so clear. Then I realized the words which I had been learning was the truth according to the Bible.

At the middle of the study, I became to know the words I had been listening was from Shincheonji. Oh my God! Shinchonji? The cult everybody saying? Really? Shinchonji which I was meeting was totally different from Shincheonji which people were talking about. I had heard that Shincheonji was a cult where attacked, trapped the believers of the church and let people revere someone as Christ. But definitely it was not! I was shocked that the things I used to hear from my church was a lie. Remember? Gamaliel also said, "Keep away from these men and let them alone. If it is of God, you cannot overthrow it - lest you even be found to fight against God (Acts5:38-39)." I saw REAL Shinchonji created by God according to the Bible. The words showed me the way to heaven. I fully thanked God. God really had listened to my prayer and answered at last.

After realizing the truth, the most amazing thing for me is my transformed life and views of life. I've become to know the reason why I have to believe in God. Due to the certain reason, now I am always energetic and positive in everywhere. I'd like to let my family and friends know my changed attitude is because of learning the true words. I've become a diligent student in school and help mom with the house chores at home. I'd like to be nice to my parents because I know the heart of father God. I am thankful to my parents as well as I'm thankful to my soul's father. Now I take care of my family's works as the oldest daughter and we are so happy together.

I thank my Lord. My heart is filled with joy after knowing the true God. Also I appreciate the chairman of Shincheonji church, Man Hee Lee, preaching the word of God and the fulfillment of this time. How I could hear this word without him! I wish you who read this article will experience the real happiness, joy and thanks through the words. Thank you for reading.

Written by Hyunjeong


  1. Your story is touching article that moves me a lots.

  2. Truth only can transform our life itself.

  3. If you understand God's Will,then you'll realize how foolish and ignorant we were~!
