Friday, February 15, 2013

Shincheonji realizing : Shincheonji is shouting now is the end of the age, the Bible is talking about

Matt 24:40-41 Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left.

Have you ever heard of it? Definitely you have. Let's consider carefully today. If it happens to us? To my family? How do you feel?

You choose. Whom are you going to take?

As Jesus sat on the mount, the disciples came to him privately and asked what would be happening when Jesus coming, at the end of the age. Because when the disciples asked it, Jesus was with them, so this "coming" must have been meant "The Second coming of Jesus." In other words, they were talking about what would be happening at the Second coming of Jesus. And Matt 24 was the answer Jesus gave them.

However if all these things have not happened yet, and if it could be happened in this generation, what should we do?

Written by Rachel


  1. Can I get only shinchonji answers

  2. Amen! I never experienced such a truth like this!

  3. This is the most accurate and fasinating truth ever! I am proud to be a member of shinconji!!

  4. The Shinconji Open Bible Seminar was a life-changing moment for me! I’ve been looking for such a truth like this!

  5. Can I get only shinchonji answers

  6. Let's go to the Sion mountain that is established as bible.

  7. It is breathtaking when I listen to the truth of the Bible in Shinchonji! This is the true Word of God that no one can deny!

  8. Preach the word of revelation, a new heaven, a new earth where God and Jesus comes.

    ShinChonJi (新天地) - the best of the best!The best of my life, and blessing!
    The real truth! Met in 39 years, the promise of God, and love!

  9. Amen! I never experienced such a truth like this!

  10. Know more on Matthew 24, a week at the Second Coming Then you'll get to know if I'll learn the Bible

  11. Amen! I never experienced such a truth like this!

  12. I hope all of believers meet Shinchonji and listen to the words of God.

  13. We must understand the Second Coming of Jesus.

  14. The time we are looking forward to is NOW!, neither the past or the history.
