Friday, February 15, 2013

Shincheonji :Thoughts and Impressions on the European Visit (Man Hee Lee)

I was asked to visit our German branch churches in Berlin, Frankfurt and central Germany many times before. There was also a request for a seminar (Bible conference) by a German church and 350 other European pastors, but I had to turn down their requests in the past because of the far distance and my busy schedule.

However, it seemed like the European pastors heard and knew well of the current circumstances of Christianity in Korea. They heard news regarding the rapid growth of Shincheonji due to the testimony of revelation, the physical fulfillment of the New Testament. It has grown despite the rapid decrease in the Christian population due to the corruption of the Christian churches in Korea. I think Europe, in the midst of its own reality of low church attendance of its members, wanted to hear a lecture from an instructor from Shinchonji that is growing so rapidly.

Even before I left for Europe, my thoughts on this visit for this seminar were not to go solely because of the invitations of the many pastors in different European countries. It was only with the determination that if it is the Lord’s will and command, I will go with an obedient heart.

We have overcome as according to the promises of the Bible, we have the evidence of being victorious, we have the greatest truth in humanity, and we have the Revealed Word that is in accordance with the 5Ws and 1H. This is because my body belongs to the Lord that has been purchased by the blood of Jesus (Rv 5:9-10). God allowed this visit to Europe while I was praying, and I sent a reply that I will go if there will be press coverage.

Our group of seven members of Shinchonji departed Korea on May 5th and returned on May 16th. The first seminar was held at the Frankfurt Press Club with 350 registered reporters. The second seminar was held at the Ernst Reuters Hall in Berlin.

There were approximately 600 pastors from 28 different countries that attended the seminar. There were so many teams of reporters that they could not all be counted. The content of the lecture was regarding Matthew chapters 24 and 13, and I also briefly testified to the overall events of Revelation that I saw and heard. The seminar was conducted through simultaneous translation in 3 different languages: German, French, and English. Immediately after the lecture there was time for questions and answers, and I gave the correct answers to all the questions according to the Bible. Following that were interviews with news reporters and broadcast network producers.

When the seminar ended the facial expressions of the people in attendance were filled with astonishment and joy. The seminar was so successful that afterwards many people rushed to the pulpit without any reserve or shyness to the point of causing difficulty in organizing the crowd. There were people who pleaded on their knees with tears, bowing and asking me to stay in Europe. They were immersed in tears, touched the hem of my robe, and kissed my hand. They also scrambled asking me to have a seminar in their denominations, and the pastors and reporters also scrambled to interview me first. The interviews continued on to the next day, and there were even people who came out to the airport holding on in tears. There were many who said they would come to Korea to learn. I felt sympathetic towards them and thought, “How thirsty their hearts must have been for them to be like this?” And I prayed, “God, they are pleading. Please pour down the much needed rain so that they can live.”

After the seminar, I met the former prime minister of Eastern Germany, Lothar de Maiziere. I heard about the unification process of East and West Germany and we shared a conversation regarding Korea’s unification. I also met the director of Austria’s Stift Gottweig Monastery, then made it back to Korea through Switzerland. When I arrived in Korea, I saw many of the congregation members who came to Incheon Airport to greet me, which brought back the vivid image of the crowd approaching me after the Berlin seminar. When we were taking a commemorative photo after the Berlin seminar, there were so many people that we had to take multiple shots to make sure everyone’s face would be seen. People who participated asked for the photo to be sent to them. It was as if they could see me for eternity, captured in the picture.

It wasn’t only our group of seven people who went to Europe, but the Holy Spirit of the Lord was with us. Two thousand years ago, at the time of the first coming, Jesus spread the future events that the Lord would fulfill through the new covenant so that it would be testified to the whole world. It is only natural to testify making known the fact that what was spread has been fulfilled at the end of the earth, in the Republic of Korea. My purpose in visiting Europe was to testify to this fact. I have fulfilled my duty as I conveyed the reality of the fulfillment and those who heard it don’t have an excuse that they haven’t heard (Jn 15:22). Those who confirm and believe will enter into their hope of heaven and eternal life.

Those who reported on the unprecedented fulfillment of Revelation will be remembered by the heavens, but the reporters who didn’t report will regret it. Those who didn’t attend the seminar and didn’t hear the words of the testimony of the revealed fulfillment, testified according to the 5W’s and 1H, and the people who aren’t harvested according to the promise of the Lord, will also regret it. I desperately pray to the Lord with my two hands put together that all humanity will believe in the promise (prophecy) and the fulfillment in order to become the people of the kingdom of heaven.

Prophecies have come to an end, the world (of Christianity) has come to an end, and the pastors and the congregation members also have come to an end. A new era has begun where God and heaven come to dwell on Shincheonji twelve tribes, that is purchased by the blood of the Lord. Let us all greet the Lord and live together in heaven with God. The Lord is one and the Bible is one, and the purpose of our faith is also one. That is, the same God, the same hope, the same heaven and eternal life. We are all brothers and sisters, one family who received the same seed from God. We must love one another as the Lord loves us. We must forgive, love, and bless one another.

We are the people of heaven who received atonement of sin by the same blood of Jesus, and who have been born again with the same seed, the same spirit. Therefore, let us work together for good (Rom 8:28), fulfill beautiful heaven on earth as His will is fulfilled in heaven (Mt 6:10), and pray wanting to live together with God and Jesus, praising them eternally. Let us also pray for one another. Let us serve without any national boundaries by having a good heart, good thoughts and Truth, and fulfill religious independence, world peace, and unification.

Let us walk with God and teach with the knowledge of the Truth, becoming the holy kings of the strongest kingdom through the path of righteousness and justice. The day is not far away when the pastors of various countries in the world will be invited to Mount Zion in the Republic of Korea. Amen. Hallelujah!

Posted at on 2012/05/25 by light


  1. Wow.. Did the people in Europa like his speech like that? I can imagine how wonderful it was. I feel like to hear it once.

  2. This result show that testimony to the history of God.

  3. It is better light European visiting!

  4. Applaud stating that same-sex slow down as a prophecy fulfilled

  5. All believers have their hope of the Kingdom of heaven and eternal life. Shinchonji shows the vision and open the 12 doors of the Heaven for all believers.

  6. Anyone who belongs God's side would understand what the Spirit of Truth says this day~!

  7. Let us serve without any national boundaries by having a good heart, good thoughts and Truth, and fulfill religious independence, world peace, and unification~!
