Saturday, February 23, 2013

Shincheonji bible study; The Physical Fulfillment of Revelation in the New Testament

The Physical Fulfillment of Revelation in the New Testament

Revelation (Rev 1~22) is the prophecy that Jesus promised in New Testament. You cannot be saved if you add words to or take away words from Revelation. (Rev 22:18-19) Revelation has prophecy and fulfillment. Prophecy is the written word and physical fulfillment is the physical entities that appear by the written prophecy being fulfilled.

Revelation (Prophecy) is in a state of being sealed with seven seals until it's time to be fulfilled.(Rev 5:1) When Revelation is fulfilled, it is done through the appointed flow (rebellion → destruction → salvation) (2Th2) and the one who achieves is Jesus Christ. Revelation means opening and revealing the sealed one. That is, revealing how the written prophecy in the sealed book is fulfilled and appears.

The delivery process of Revelation is as follows. God gives the sealed book in his hand to Jesus Christ (Rev 5:1), Jesus takes it (Rev 5:7), and he breaks the 7 seals and opens it in Rev 6 and 8. (revelation) In chapter 10, this revelation is delivered to John through the angel. Jonh that receives the opened book tells peoples, nations, languages and kings as he is told. John, peoples, languages and kings are the flesh. The flesh should be given the revelation of Jesus Christ by John who receives it. (Rev 1:1)

The testimony of Revelation in New testament is to testify the fulfilled entities without adding to it or taking away from it. In heaven or on earth, Jesus is the only one who can open the seven seals of the book and John is the only one who receives the open book and delivers it. When the Revelation is fulfilled, he is not Jesus' disciple John, but the new John (the promised pastor who comes as the equal of apostle John). Unless people are given the revelation through John, they can't know prophecy and physical fulfillment (what comes true), and they become like beasts, not knowing the one true God, Jesus Christ and the new John whom he has sent. (Pr30:2-3) Just like the First Coming there were people to whom the sealed old testament was revealed and to whom the old testament wasn't revealed to by Jesus (Mt11:27, Jn17:3). So, at the Second Coming, the time when revelation is fulfilled, there are those who receive the physical fulfillment through new John and those who don't. The reason why they don't receive it is because they are ignorant of the Bible , they interpret the word arbitrarily, or they don't interpret the word.

New John who received the revealed book has accomplished his mission by testifying the word of God and everything he saw (all the chapters). Those who see and believe the promised prophecy in Revelation and the physical fulfillment are saved and the unbelieving will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur.(Rev 21:8) You shouldn't practice a religion arbitrarily or perfunctorily. You should choose the way of salvation with deliberate judgment. The one that testifies the revelation prays for the salvation of all the people on the earth.

sauce :


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