Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Shincheonji; Europe Open Bible Seminar

A broadcasting station receives 80,000 letters of thanks, hosting live broadcast and replays

Media report of Open Bible Seminar in Europe
Posted 6/15/2012 8:07:00 PM

    Photo caption: May 7th, Frankfurt, Germany Rheinmain TV

Chairman Man Hee Lee’s European visit garnered much attention from the local press.
Leipzig TV (Leipzig Fernsehm) of Germany reported through an interview with Chariman Man Hee Lee that, “Man Hee Lee is not an ordinary Christian, he proclaims to have been given the duty of testifying about the fulfillment of the events of the words of Revelation.”

And also, “His name, ‘Man Hee’ means ‘light’ and ‘reveal,’ matching him very well,” they reported. Through this broadcasting the Chairman replied, “I would like to say the following to all the Christian’s out there. God’s words in the book of Revelation have been opened and fulfilled. Come and listen, and see for yourself.” And, “If this is true, then this means that the kingdom of heaven is already here,” he said this important message to the whole world.

North Berlin weekly newspaper, “Shincheonji does not match the title of “cult.”
A weekly newspaper in North Berlin spotlighted the content of the interview with Chairman Lee on the 17th, the Asension Day. It reported, “The number of congregation members in large churches of the West is decreasing, but contrary to these events, one religious organization introduced itself by hosting a seminar last Saturday evening at the Ernst Reuter,” and introduced Shinchonji by saying, “The word, ‘cult’ is characterized as a neutral party in addition to being used to describe a ‘new religious movement.’ When viewed in such context, this place called Shinchonji does not match the title of ‘cult.’”

In addition, “Mr. Man Hee Lee is the founder of about 300 mission centers around the world. Since its establishment, 85,000 students have graduated and the cost of tuition is absolutely free. The standard of its education is the Bible and to explain in detail, the teachings of the unraveling of the book of Revelation are taught here,” as the Chairman, Shincheonji, and Shincheonji Mission Center is introduced.
     Photo caption: May 7th, Frankfurt, Germany Rheinmain TV

”Watch the seminar again” opens on YouTube, due to its popularity
Admirations from the Internet users of the world who watched the seminar view the Internet broadcast followed. Germany’s local internet broadcasting, called Jeet TV (, broadcasted a live coverage and also provided a ‘replay’ service to the 24-hour global video service website, Youtube ( Some of the comments written in the Internet website of those who did not even open a page in their Bible said, “How can one not be surprised,” and, “Who is this person?” In addition, the founder of this broadcasting network sent in a video message, “We have received 80,000 thank you letters. It is as if we have received a lot of love and a huge hug from the viewers”.


  1. Thank you Chairman Man Hee Lee for the New religious movement. It's very encouraging and recovering the whole world.

  2. When you listen to Man Hee Lee, You've got to know he only speaks about the truth from Bible. Neither add nor abstract takes away!

    1. What Mr. Lee fails to realize, is the fact that Jude informed us approx.2000 yrs ago, to contend for the Faith, that has been entrusted to the Saints,ONCE AND FOR ALL.
      what Mr. Lee preaches, is a different Gospel than that what the appostles preached, therefore it is bunk, rubbish, untruth, it cannot save and will indeed fail before Gods judgement.

  3. Man Hee Lee is the only person who can testify meanings of Revelation exactly according to the Bible.

  4. To testify that they saw that the sky's
    Lee Man-hee by the moderator promise of a shepherd
    Any entire Bible ilhoek
    Do not add him as
    Is saying

  5. Emergence as Revelation and Revelation as consisting of evidence and the reality is, Jesus was sent to the churches, for the leader of the peace-minded objective to give thanks.

  6. Thank you Chairman Man Hee Lee for the New religious movement

  7. Shinchonji is the Bible the word tells the heater vent

  8. If you heard for ourselves, would want to write a letter of thanks.

  9. Thank you by the word of God's truth.

  10. Bible new land that do testimony justly. Agreed shepherd shares in new land.

  11. What Mr. Lee fails to realize, is the fact that Jude informed us approx.2000 yrs ago, to contend for the Faith, that has been entrusted to the Saints,ONCE AND FOR ALL.
    what Mr. Lee preaches, is a different Gospel than that what the appostles preached, therefore it is bunk, rubbish, untruth, it cannot save and will indeed fail before Gods judgement.

  12. who has ever made it? He did it.

  13. Kingdom of God everyone is waiting
    New drug is made in two thousand years

  14. It's time to know what age belongs this day in the biblical history~!
