Sunday, February 24, 2013

Shincheonji bible; The signs of Jesus' second coming (Mt 24)

God fulfilled the promise he made with Abraham at the time of Moses (Gn 15; Ex 12) and the prophecies he made through the Old Testament prophets at the time of Jesus’ first coming (Lk 24:44; Jn 19:30). Ever since Jesus made the new covenant with his people, Christians have been looking forward to being able to drink the new wine with Jesus when God’s kingdom comes (Mt 26:26-29; Lk 22:14-20). At that time, only those who write God’s laws in their minds and on their hearts will be God’s true chosen people (Heb 8:10). They are the people who are purchased with Jesus’ blood to become a kingdom and priests to serve God (Rv 7:9-14). Only people who wash their robes and make them white in the blood of the Lamb can become God’s people (Rv 7:9-14).

John 10:35 says that the scriptures cannot be broken, which means God always fulfills his prophecies. In Is 14:24, God promised, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will stand.”

Today, almost 2,000 years have passed since Jesus’ first coming and the prophecies of the New Testament (i.e., the Gospels, the Epistles, and Revelation) are finally being fulfilled. Has anyone seen or heard their fulfillment before? Christians awaiting Jesus’ second coming must be able to use the signs of the end of the age to distinguish the time in which they are living so they can greet Jesus when he arrives.

These signs of Jesus’ second coming are described in Mt 24. The prophecies of Mt 24 were made at the time of Jesus’ first coming. Just like all the other prophecies made by God, these prophecies were made so they could be fulfilled in the future (Rv 21:6). When the signs described in the prophecies appear, Jesus will come with his angels like a thief in the night and harvest believers like wheat (Mt 13:30; Mt 13:39; Mt 24:30-31; Mt 24:42-44). Instead of accepting the fulfillment when it comes, people who do not know the meaning of the signs will persecute and curse those who disagree with them.

The events of Mt 24 take place in God’s holy temple (1 Cor 3:9; 1 Cor 3:17; Rv 1:20). According to the first verses of Mt 24, the temple is destroyed such that not one stone is left on another (Mt 24:1-2; Rv 13). The rest of Mt 24 is simply a explanation of this process of destruction.

The events of Mt 24 take place at the end of the age (Mt 13:39-40), which refers to the end of the world of Christianity. God’s temple and its saints at the end of the age are conquered by gentiles. At that time, the congregation members who can distinguish good from evil flee from the gentile invaders to salvation at Mount Zion (Mt 24:15-16; Rv 14:1-5). Those who refuse to leave the temple that is being destroyed will worship Satan’s false pastors and receive the mark of the beast (Rv 13). When Satan’s destroyers are preaching from the pulpit of the holy place, many false prophets and antichrists will appear to deceive people. According to Mt 24, even some of the saints God has chosen from the world and gathered to Mount Zion can be deceived (Mt 24:9-22). Matthew 24 also says that no one on the roof of his house should go down to take anything out of the house and no one in the field should go back to get his cloak because of the worst tribulation since the creation of the world is coming. As a result of this spiritual war and great tribulation, the congregation members of God’s temple return to being mere flesh. This is figuratively described as the sun, moon, and stars in the sky falling to the earth, plunging the world into the darkness of night (Gn 37:9-11; Mt 24:29; Rv 6:12-14).

When this spiritual night comes, the signs of Jesus’ second coming appear in the sky—God’s temple that has been destroyed. Jesus comes like a thief with the sounding of large trumpet and works together with his harvesting angels to collect all the wheat-like believers from the north, south, east, and west (Mt 24:30-31; Mt 24:42-44; Lk 13:28-29). Unfortunately, many people do not even realize these things are happening until they are swept away in a flood like the one that occurred in the days of Noah (Mt 24:37-39; Lk 17:26-27). At this time, the word of God is coming from a servant of God in a specific place. This “food at the proper time” (Mt 24:45-50) includes the words of Mt 24, the words of the open book in Rv 10, and the hidden manna in Rv 2:17. These words are the testimony of the fulfillment of the New Testament and the pastor who preaches them—the servant feeding others the food at the proper time—unites with Jesus at his second coming and inherits everything (Rv 3:12; Rv 3:21; Rv 21:7).

It is time for all Christians to recognize and understand the signs of the end of the world. It is time for all Christians to recognize Jesus and his chosen shepherd (Mt 7:7-8). Believers who unite with Satan and his destroyers to persecute God’s true people will be judged and sent to the hell. On the other hand, believers who prepare the lamp and the oil (Mt 25) will unite in marriage with the spirits of Jesus and the martyred saints and will inherit the kingdom of heaven (Rv 6:9-11; Rv 20:4-6; Rv 19; Rv 21:6-7).

After the temple of God from the previous heaven is destroyed according to prophecy (Mt 24:29; Rv 6), God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven as his new kingdom is established by the promised pastor giving out the food at the proper time (Mt 6:10; Mt 24:30-31; Mt 24:45-47; Rv 7). This is the will and promise of God. This new kingdom of heaven is our faith and the hope of true believers.

Christians who have hope for the coming kingdom of heaven must distinguish the time in which they are living and find the promised pastor who is testifying about the fulfillment of the prophecies of the New Testament. It is by understanding and believing in the fulfillment that we attain salvation and eternal life.

Source: Healing All Nations


  1. It's time for recognize ^^ 2nd testament

  2. It is by understanding and believing in the fulfillment that we attain salvation and eternal life.


  3. Word of the painting was the right time.

  4. Thank you for teaching us the Bible.
    It's a great story to read.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I desired to know the signs of Jesus’ second coming. But no one knows that.
    Only Shinchoji shown us exactly way of salvation and God's will.
