In the First Coming, the Israelites, who were the Jewish people, argued with Jesus using their doctrines. That is to say, Jesus and the Pharisees were the ones who fought against each other (Mt 15, Mt 23). In the same way, during the Second Coming, as recorded in Rev 13 and 12, those who fight do so using the words of their doctrines and their ecclesiastical authority.
Those who insist that the war written in the New testament is a war of one physical nation against another have greatly mistaken a spiritual war for a physical war. They do this because they don't know God or the meaning of the scriptures (Mt 22:29). Teaching misunderstandings like this, feeding others false truths and lies, is planting the weeds and giving the wine of adultery to drink. If the holy spirit of God were truly with them, they would not be sowing the false seeds.
The war prophesied in Mt 24 also happens within the temple. What is poured out onto the betrayers and destroyers in Rev 16 was not a physical bomb of the world; it is the wrath of God. What must also be known is the angels and horses who are bound at the great river Euphrates, those who killed a third of mankind, were not using the weapons of the world, but were using fire, smoke, and sulfur, which came out of the mouth of horses. Their tails, having heads, were like snakes and the horses used them to kill people (Rev 9:14-19). The head is the prominent men (leaders) and the tail is a prophet who teaches lies (Is 9:14-16). The fire, smoke, and sulfur which came out of the horse’s mouths, is the false doctrines. The people's spirits that receive these false doctrines will die.
All of God’s Saints need to receive the revelation of God in the end times of the world, to know the true meanings of God word.
source: healing all nations
Everything in the Revelation which is in parables, in end, will turn out to be plain into reality at the day of Jesus' 2nd coming as promised in the bible. what a darkness I lived in!