Think about when you want to buy some luxury goods.
But, there are real and imitation and we can't distinguish easily.
Then, how can we distinguish between the real one and another?
Someone who knows the products well, it would be easy for him or her to do.
And also, the real one always has a product warranty in it. The warranty can certify the good and it can be standard for you to distinguish them.
Then, how can we distinguish between the real one and another?
Someone who knows the products well, it would be easy for him or her to do.
And also, the real one always has a product warranty in it. The warranty can certify the good and it can be standard for you to distinguish them.
If so, how can we distinguish between the God's pastor and false's pastor? We need to have knowledge about who is the REAL one.
And also, we need a warranty from God, don't we?
Since God said that the word is God, we can get the answer from the word of God.
Why don't you distinguish the God's pastor from false's pastor through the Bible?
I would like to recommend you to read this article which is according to the Bible.
God’s Pastor, the Devil(False)’s Pastor, and the Betrayers(1)
Main references: Rv 13, Rv 12 (Mt 24)
How are God’s pastor, the devil(false)’s pastor and the betrayers different from one another? How can they be distinguished between each other?
God is self-existent (Ex 3:13-15). He is the creator of all things in heaven and on earth. Nothing was made that has been made without God’s work of creation, just as it says in John 1. The devil, on the other hand, is one of the wild animals and a created being. He is that dragon, Satan and the ancient serpent (Gn 3; Rv 12:7-9, Rv 20:2).
*God’s pastors can be categorized into 3 types.
One is the Pastor of Prophecy, the second is the General Pastor and the third is the Promised Pastor. The Pastors of Prophecy are the prophets and apostles who recorded the Old Testament (prophecies) and the New Testament (prophecies). General Pastors are those who have preached the fulfillment of the prophecies until today. The Promised Pastor is the savior and he is the pastor prophesied (promised) in advance.
* How can these pastors be distinguished from one another?
God selected the prophets so people would know about this. God recorded His word, in particular the prophecies, through these prophets. The books within the Bible are the recordings of God’s word. It is this Bible (the promise), which God asks us to believe. There are four categories of biblical content within the Bible: History, Instructions, Prophecy and Fulfillment. God’s prophecies in the last 6,000 years of the Bible history have always been fulfilled accordingly. Since God surely fulfills every promise He makes, the saints of God also believe He will certainly fulfill all remaining prophecy. God’s last prophecy is the Book of Revelation in the New Testament.
Roughly 2,000 years ago, God and Jesus came to the world. They used parables to speak about the book of Revelation. The reason why they spoke in parables (Mt 13:34-35) was to fulfill the prophecy, which says, "I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old" (Ps 78:2). Another reason for speaking in parables was to hide the secrets of the kingdom of heaven from Satan's pastors (Mt 13:10-15). The Book of Revelation is sealed in parables so it may be seen but not perceived nor understood. Opening of the seals from the sealed book indicates the fulfillment of Revelation and the appearance of the physical realities of the prophecy. As it is written in John 16:25, it is the physical realities, not the figurative language, which will be shown and made known plainly. The promised pastor, after seeing and hearing them, proclaims these realities.
The saints of God today, before the prophecies are fulfilled, have the faith, which must be revealed. However, at the time of the prophecies' fulfillment, one will be able to see and believe in the revealed physical fulfillment (this is the faith that has been revealed). This is in fact, the complete faith. At the time of the First Coming, the law served as an elementary teacher, which led people to Christ (Gal 3). The Revelation that fulfilled the Old Testament plays the role of an elementary teacher as it guides people to the Revelation of the New Testament that is to be fulfilled. Furthermore, the Revelation that fulfilled the New Testament also acts as a teacher that guides people to the true God, Jesus and the Promised Pastor.
*The God's pastor and salvation
At the time of Jesus’ First Coming, the disciples asked, "Will there be many or only a few people going to be saved?" Jesus' answer implied only a few people, in fact would be saved (Lk 13:23-24).
At the end of the age at the time of the fulfillment of the New Testament, one must have five qualifications fulfilled within them in order to receive salvation and enter into the kingdom of heaven.
The five qualifications are as follows:
-One must be harvested,
-one must be sealed,
-one must belong to the twelve tribes,
-one must not add to or subtract from the book of Revelation
-one must have their name written in the book of life.
From among the seven billion of the world’s population, it is only the people of Shincheonji who have these five qualifications fulfilled within themselves.
Source: Healing All Nations
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The five qualifications are as follows:
-One must be harvested,
-one must be sealed,
-one must belong to the twelve tribes,
-one must not add to or subtract from the book of Revelation
-one must have their name written in the book of life.
From among the seven billion of the world’s population, it is only the people of Shincheonji who have these five qualifications fulfilled within themselves.
Source: Healing All Nations
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