Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Shincheonji Words of God : The Trees in the Bible(3)

1. Why is it that only the tree of life appears in Rv 22 without the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil disappears as the dragon of Babylon, which is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, is seized and locked up (Rv 20:1-3), and as his pastors are also captured and judged in Rv 19 and Rv 20.

(Revelation 20:1-3) Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key of the abyss and a heavy chain.  He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent—that is, the Devil, or Satan—and chained him up for a thousand years. The angel threw him into the abyss, locked it, and sealed it, so that he could not deceive the nations any more until the thousand years were over. After that he must be set loose for a little while.

(Revelation 18:2-3) He cried out in a loud voice: “She has fallen! Great Babylon has fallen! She is now haunted by demons and unclean spirits; all kinds of filthy and hateful birds live in her.  For all the nations have drunk her winethe strong wine of her immoral lust. The kings of the earth practiced sexual immorality with her, and the merchants of the world grew rich from her unrestrained lust.”

The Sabbath rest and peace can come to this earth as Satan and his pastors disappear.

-> In short, a tree represents a spirit and the pastors who belong to that spirit (Is 5:7). The fruit of the tree represents the word and the congregation members. Two types of trees are God and the devil. The pastors appointed by each one of them are also the trees born from the seed according to Mt 13:31-32. It is to these trees that birds (spirits) come and perch in. God and Jesus are the word (Jn 1:1; 1 Jn 1:1). People born of this word are the firstfruits. This is the secret of the kingdom of heaven, and they become the children of the word, the spiritual sons.

Whoever does not know the parables, the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, becomes a gentile and cannot receive the forgiveness of his sin (Mk 4:11-12). Today is the time when facts are being plainly explained, and not with more figures of speech (Jn 16:25). Whoever believes in this will be saved. 

Source: Healing All Nations


  1. how important to know the realities of the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to a believer! no on can be saved in the darkness of the ignorance of the bible.....

  2. The word of God is so amazing!! I've never heard about this word before I met shincheonji!!:)

  3. Whoever does not know the parables, the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, becomes a gentile and cannot receive the forgiveness of his own sin~!
