Friday, May 3, 2013

Shincheonji Open Bible Seminar: 5~6. May, 2013

I would like to invite you all who believe in God.
I know you may think it sounds strange but I should let you know.
The prophecy has been fulfilled and you need to know if you are "a real believer".

Do not please prejudge Shinchonji and its testimony,
come and listen what we are declaring.

The purpose of this seminar is to proclaim that the prophecy has been fulfilled to those who believe in the promise of the New Testament that the prophecy has been fulfilled.

The seed of the Gospel had been sown into the field of the world, starting from Europe and spreading to the East.
The prophecy has been fulfilled as promised in the East.

This is what we are declaring.
The promise of Jesus is what believers and people of faith must see and believe.


  1. they seem to be full of confidence.
    will try to listen this time.

  2. I had been there, It was so amazing speech! I hope many christians to come and listen to true God's word!

    1. yeh~anyone who want to go kingdom heaven must come and listen~~~

  3. I am christian, and always curious about the prophecy.
    I have to participate this seminar to become "a real believer".
