Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy Shincheonji word - Looking for the Truth?

Our Shincheonji, Church of Jesus, Temple of Tabernacle of the Testimony (“Shincheonji”) promised pastor has seen and heard the fulfillment of Revelation which God and Jesus promised.
He has received the book of Revelation from heaven, and the people of Shinchonji have mastered the Bible. The promised pastor has testified to them all.

Shincheonji suggested a debate on the rights and wrongs about the explanation of Bible for many years, but no one has responded. Also, in an open (word) seminar, I explained, “I am not here to judge, but to receive judgment” and for them to point out the flaws. However, there has been no response of “No, you are wrong”. The reason they persecute behind (my back) is only to avoid damages to their own churches, which is now a business due to the development of their own denomination. This proves they are believers.

Source: Healing All Nations.


  1. Actually I heard many things about shinchonji
    but didnt know that nobody said their word is wrong..

  2. Amen! Promised pastor in Shincheonji is the only one who can testiify the whole secrets of heaven in the Bible.

  3. Yes!! I didnt find anything wrong with Shincheoji!! They only talk about what bible tells us!!!
