Monday, May 6, 2013

Shincheonji bible study: The concept of body and spirit

The concept refers to one’s thoughts (the contents of one’s thoughts, the system of judgment, the consistent opinion). God thinks about the plan of God, and Satan thinks about the plan of Satan. Liberal democracy thinks about the concept of liberal democracy, and communism thinks about the concept of communism. The politics on earth makes their politics into laws, and the politics in heaven makes the politics of the spirits in heaven into their laws. Physical or spiritual worlds make plans, and put their plans into action. That is the concept. A religious man cannot get involved in the politics of the world, and politicians cannot interrupt the religious world. It is because their ways are different.

Religion educates about heaven, that is the spiritual world, and the world educates about physical things and engages in politics. If a religious man gets involved in politics or physical things, he is not a truly religious person. Also, the politics in the world cannot govern religion. Politicians cannot use religious organizations as their political supporters. Equally, the religious man should not exercise political powers in the world. It is an act of arrogation. A religious man can have a job. However, it should not be related to religious organizations, but just their means of living.

If a religious man interrupts, damages one’s occupation or defiles one’s reputation because of a personal emotion or an unfair doctrine of a religious body, it is a physical and spiritual crime. Anyone whose concept between the body and the spirit is different is a wrong-doer whose body or spirit is deviated from its standard. The standard is the law, and God, the words of God.

A pastor who is the leader of religion is a missionary who should preach about the things of heaven. If the pastor gets involved in something other than his mission to preach sermons (e.g., ‘throw away the flag of the country, i.e. an extra-large thumbprint Korean flag’, ‘stop volunteering’, ‘stop holding cultural events’, ‘do not…’) he oversteps his authority, and he could even betray his own nation in some cases. No politician should be conniving in their behavior, because they are so biased. Today, the existing Christian world comes to an end because it was corrupt. If something becomes corrupt, it becomes worn out and disappears so that the new generation can be created. Why were the prophets in the Old Testament killed by the same religious people? Why were Jesus and his disciples killed in his first coming? That is because they testified the truth.

Today, while the world is in a darkened state, without the light of life which is the word, the true light of life (the truth) has come. However, people who were born with the spiritual seed of lawless man are trying again to kill the man who has come as a light, just as they had done in the past. That is because their false testimony is being revealed by the light.

Every follower wants to be saved. However, they have no way out from the pastors who are holding them. Why don’t the followers realize that the one who is leading them to hell is a false pastor?

The false pastor today is the most vicious one among the history of the bible for the last 6,000 years. A follower should not throw away God and his true words, even if he has to throw out everything he had.

Beautiful Shinchonji is the best kingdom in the world, one which is full of truth. The one who wants the truth will come to Shinchonji where there is the Spirit of truth, the spring of life, and the word (manna). Come here where all things are true.

Healing All Nations

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