Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Shincheonji words - Today's Word(Matthew 7:13-14)

Go in through the narrow gate,
because the gate to hell is wide 
and the road that leads to it is easy,
and there are many who travel it.

But the gate to life is narrow
and the way that leads to it is hard,
and there are few people who find it.
- Matthew 7:13-14 -


  1. hard to find the way to the narrow gate; heaven's. ask and pray... then, listen and listen to the word of God. moreover, even after many prays, we refuse to listen to the truth because of our cowardice and lack of decision. Plus, concern on criticism. How fragile.

  2. no one likes to go to the destination in a rough way instead of easy one. unfortunately, there seems to be no easy one to heaven. off the concerns on criticism, blame, hesitation...coming from that you leave where you used to belong.
