Monday, May 13, 2013

Shincheonji Church - Shincheonji Graduation Speech

The story of one pastor who willingly became a harvest sickle for his congregation members that he loved dearly

I was born as a farmers son. I pursued the life of faith my mother led. Although I was young at the time, I served and worked hard for God in many ways and later on even had a vision to preach the word. And as time passed by, I became a pastor.

I started my life as a pastor by re-opening a closed church up in the mountains and guided service from then on. As I continued to guide the services for a period of time, the church was revived, soon regaining its stability.

With a grateful heart, I promised to make more of an effort as a pastor in front of God, and when I did, I moved to a bigger church to carry out pastoral duties. Anyone could see that I worked hard

However, the more effort I continued to make, the more I would reach my limits. I was guilty about myself because it felt like I was only making an effort on the outside.

And then one day, I heard unfortunate news that a pastor, whom I knew personally, passed away. So, I went to visit the pastors wife. This is how she and I became close. After the pastors death, his wife was the first to encounter this word of truth, and she would ask me if I wanted to learn it as well. She was my precious harvest worker.

Of course, I had no clue about any of this, so it raised suspicions for me and my wife. We both kindly rejected her proposal. However, she was persistent and in the end, we gave in and decided to study with a somewhat assurance that God would guide us according to his will.

The instructor would make his way to teach us by personally coming to the womans house.
The first thought I had in mind was, Isnt this the teaching of a cult? I put up my guard with the suspicions and disapproval towards the word, but as I began to understand the word, I was assured that the word was true! All this time when I studied and examined the Bible, my thirst for the word was never satisfied; it was like digging into a spring that had no water. I didnt understand myself, yet I was teaching people the teachings of man. I was a frustrated blind but once the words opened up my eyes, I was overjoyed.

I still cant forget the deep impression I received when I had the assurance that only through the promised pastor, promised tabernacle and promised theology school can Gods and our hope of heaven be fulfilled.

From the basic knowledge of the Bible to gradually going deeper into the study, I realized that all this time when I thought I was preaching Gods word as a pastor, I was actually a wolf in a sheeps clothing preaching things that were mine. And, the reality that the Christian world was full of untruth really woke me up. It was heart-rending and troubling to hear that besides Shinchonji, God was not with the any of the churches. I was embarrassed at my pathetic and miserable self.

Of course, there were many troubles and difficulties along the way because I couldnt give up my belief system, a frame I was stuck in. However, I was able to perceive in repentance, gratitude and happiness within Gods grace.

Now, I couldnt stay still when I perceived the word of life!

Thinking this was their chance, they spread a rumor saying that the pastor joined a cult and was trying to destroy the church. They told me to hold responsibility for this, then they suggested for me to retire. Once this incident struck, my wife and two daughters, who have passed over in the center, would say multiple times, It was an inevitable matter. Lets go to Zion.

However, it wasnt an easy decision to make due to the thought of leaving the congregation members, who did not yet know this word and whom I loved very much, behind. In addition, I had to admit that I was troubled, considering the responsibility to take care of the family and the financial difficulties that I had to face.

In the end, I made a decision to leave all matters to God and retired. My fellow pastors and along with people I knew, who were unaware that I had met the word of light, heard the retirement news. They worried by saying, Youre a fool for not having a plan. How can you just come out like that without a guarantee? However, I had hope in the promise and thinking how Abraham left his motherland, I answered, I will show how God will lead me. I made this resolution over and over again.
The result of relying and fully believing in God was that me, my wife and two daughters were able to at last pass over and enter Gods kingdom, Shincheonji Temple of the Tabernacle of Testimony. And although there were many difficulties and persecutions faced in the process, 22 of us have successfully graduated through Gods full guidance in grace and truth.  

Moreover, coming to heaven and seeing harvesters receiving training and working hard, happiness and hope in me grew. I felt terrible that everyone could not be harvested, but I told myself that I wont give up until the end. I will harvest and pray so many souls can be led to heaven.

Hired pastors become corrupt because they are unaware that they are being deceived by Satans power. They only care about satisfying their own needs. The nation knows they are under the teachings of man and their ecclesiastically authority and that this is the wrong path. Yet they are unable to come to an understanding. Healing the nation through the word of truth is the path to atone your sins. Remember that this is the path to pay back for the grace God bestowed upon you. I will work hard to learn the new song and become a leaf of the tree of life that diligently conveys the word.


  1. so impressive! it is lucky of anyone to reflect on what they did good or wrong. it is most important for anyone to face what they did wrong and to deal with how. to accept and repent.

  2. so many people. it it like a regular thing? how often?

  3. How beautiful mind he has to become a harvest sickles to gather up his own congregation~!
