Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Shincheonji truth - What's the truth? Shincheonji, or MBC's PD Notes?(3)

Revealing the Truth regarding MBC’s PD Notes’ Falsifying & Misleading Broadcast about Shincheonji, Aired on May 8th, 2007 & December 25th, 2007 (3)

Falsifying, Misleading Report 13. The portion regarding offerings:
In the broadcast aired on December 25th and May 8th of 2007, PD Notes reported, “Shincheonji has purchased about 1 acre of land and buildings near Gwacheon, and that money came from the congregation members.” PD Notes also aired an interview with a distorted content with Joo Young Moon (alias), “What was funny was that there was ranking according to the amount the members were paying, and would give cash prizes of 100 dollars and such to the group that was in the first place, promoting competition.” PD Notes commented through the broadcast aired on May 8th, 2007, that “there is a quite a bit of pressure to tithe,” and quoted an interview with Jung Eun Kim (alias) saying, “The members must fill out their names on the offering envelop, because if you don’t fill out your name on the envelop, it will mean that you did not gave offering. I think that’s even scarier than someone forcing you in an explicit way.” From such content, PD Notes aired a falsifying broadcast, alluding that Shincheonji Church is promoting its members to pay more tithe and offerings in a coercive way by giving pressure.
Correction· Counterevidence 13. After verifying the fact:
Finances of most Christian churches are made up of their members’ offerings, and purchasing land or building for a church with the offering of the members is the same in all churches, not just Shincheonji Church. Shincheonji Church has never forced the members to give offering, nor has it ever abused its members for it. Rather, Shincheonji gives a financial report to all members every month in order to show the transparency in regards to its management of finances. All it’s doing is to let all the department members to know the details of offering within the department at least once a month, it never promoted a competition in offering or gave pressure for it. Offering is given according to one’s faith.
What is true regarding Shincheonji Church is that it is systemizing all different areas—service attendance, participation in trainings, etc.—not just in the area of offerings, and recording their attendance and performances for the benefit of managing the members’ faith so that they can grow more in faith. Therefore, it is falsifying and misleading to air only the portion regarding offering.
Is it proper and just when all the church of the country does something, but corrupt when Shincheonji does the same? The reporting of MBC PD Notes is misleading and falsifying, no matter what the motivation was behind the airing.
Falsifying, Misleading Report 14. The portion of interviews of Seoul Ilbo Newspaper reporter and Religious Affairs official of the Culture and Travel Department:
On its broadcast aired on December 25th, 2007, PD Notes asserted that there were no apologies given during the interviews with the editor of Seoul Ilbo Newspaper and a person in charge of the Religious Affairs office of the Ministry of Culture and Travel, and that PD Notes did not apologize to Shinchonij Church in any shape or form. It also gave a falsifying report that “Shincheonji Church is using media outlets to convince its members that PD Notes is a lie,” and that “Shincheonji Church is deceiving its members with appalling lies, and damages from these lies are continuing.”

Correction, Counterevidence 14. After verifying the fact:
Based on the fact that the Religious Affairs office of the Ministry of Culture and Travel visited Shincheonji Church but could not find any charges against Shincheonji Church, and that the main content of the newspaper article titled, “PD Notes Proven to be False,” by Seoul Ilbo was based on the investigative agencies’ ruling that accusations of running away from homes, violence, embezzlement, etc. were found to be without any charges, and on the fact that though PD Notes did not publicly apologize to Shincheonji Church, the main producer in charge did personally apologize, the broadcast reporting that Shincheonji Church is using media outlets to convince its members with the assertion that PD Notes is a lie, and is different from facts.
Since it is not true that Shincheonji Church is deceiving its members with appalling lies, there is no damage cause by it, thus this portion of the broadcast is falsifying or misleading.
We Shincheonji teach the Revealed Word of life without cost to the hearts and the souls of those who are thirty for the Word, because there is no Word of life in corrupt churches. Is this causing “damage” to them? Or benefitting them? This can be understood even by little children.

We hereby unveil the motivation behind the falsifying and misleading reporting of MBC PD Notes and the lying informants.

Mr. Shin, who once was in charge of one of the branch churches belonging to Shinchonji decided to cause a coup by leaving his position of authority and his own home and creating division (Jude 1:6-21). He is the one who attempted to swallow up Shinchonji Church but was thrown out for committing blasphemy against the Spirit, even illegally acquiring documents and information by deceiving a secretary at the main office of Shinchonji.

On another hand, there was an involvement of a certain Mr. Oh of the Christian Council of Korea, with the information that his sister-in-law is the wife of an executive of MBC. This is the background story in which the falsifying and misleading broadcast of MBC PD Notes was aired.

So then, is not the motivation behind this falsifying and misleading report pressure and profit from advertisement?
We hereby clearly make known through the Internet broadcast regarding the lies of the falsifying broadcast to the citizens who were misled. Please watch and stand on the side of righteousness.

Among the 100,000 members of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony who have mastered the Bible, there are many important figures in different parts of the society and they also have parents, siblings, children, neighbors, friends and relatives. Not only is PD Notes playing the mouth of the ignorant and evil by giving falsifying and misleading report, they did not give a single word of apology even as they aired a rebuttal and a correction report.

The damage done to Shincheonji will not be recovered even if all of MBC was sold. Attempting to destroy God’s creation of Shincheonji is blasphemy against the Spirit, and such acts will not be forgiven in this age or the age to come (Ref. Mt 12:31). These are the words of Jesus.

It was only a matter of a couple of hours that PD Notes aired the falsifying and misleading report, but the shame from the fact that such a falsifying and misleading report and the truth will become an eternal gospel to be let known to the whole world.

What really should be reported are the pastors of their denominations that gave such falsifying and lying information to the producer. They do not hesitate to conduct inhumane and coercive conversion education, confinement, and violence, causing youth to run away and the parents to sue, also causing the victims to drop out of school and their workplaces. Not only do the conversion educators make personal attacks, but they would take away the victims’ cellphones, handcuffing the wrists and the feet of the victims, taping up the victims’ mouths, forcefully treating children like animals, committing acts that are unimaginable. Such acts were not committed by the parents’ own will, but done by the orders of the pastors who conduct conversion education, as told by the parents and their children.
We, Shincheonji do not have any reason to cause people to run away from their homes or to confine them, to beat them, or to cause them to drop out of schools and workplaces, confine them in mental institutions or to sue them, tape their mouths or handcuff them, and do not give any reasons for the parents to sue, either. Members of Shinchonji carried on their faith in peace and joy, attended workplaces and schools well. Their parents and their families were normal, too.

Then why did the producer of MBC PD Notes only hear the words of the conversion pastors and blamed Shincheonji for the acts committed by those pastors, giving falsifying and misleading report? We want to hear the truth from them.

If a producer or a reporter avoids the truth and only report according to the words of the informants and by piecing together what matches to his biased intention of the production of the program, can he really be called a producer and a reporter? He should be called a fake producer and a fake reporter, only wanting the popularity of the public.

We believe, without any doubt, that whether what was reported by PD Notes was falsifying and misleading or not must be judged by the viewers after hearing the counterargument report.

Those who truly believe in God and Jesus must speak truthful words!


Source: Healing all nations

1 comment:

  1. we can be reborn thru the word, whereas corrupted and tarnished thru the word. that is why the mass media must be cautious when dealing with something that they do not know exactly. There is a lesson; the word is the power itself. we believe God's power, the word.
