Sunday, May 19, 2013

Shincheonji truth - What's the truth? Shincheonji, or MBC's PD Notes?(2)

Revealing the Truth regarding MBC’s PD Notes’ Falsifying & Misleading Broadcast about Shincheonji, Aired on May 8th, 2007 & December 25th, 2007 (2)

Falsifying, Misleading Report 6. The portion regarding giving up jobs and education, and suing one’s own parents:

PD Note reported on May 8, 2007,
1) Shincheonji Church’s goal is to fill 144,000 church members, this is why most young adults from Shincheonji Church leave their schools, jobs and families to place their utmost effort only into evangelism. The children who cut their connection and ran away from home……

2) There are many cases of not only divorces, but people running away from their homes, even a child suing his own parents. All these things add on to suspicious regarding Shincheonji that it is behind these actions of the members.

3)Young adults giving up their precious youth and making the parents and siblings go through much pain claiming, “religious freedom…” This is truly something that is hard to understand.

“Is Shincheonji, led by its leader Man Hee Lee, truly a correct religion? This is what the viewers must judge. However, before discussing about eternal life, shouldn’t one carry out the proper and basic duties of a human being?”
PD Notes broadcasted what is false by saying these things, planting a false and biased image of Shincheonji Church and the Chairman to be a not a proper religious or a fake one,  alluding that Shincheonji does not care for proper ways of a person.

Correction·Counterevidence 6. After verifying the fact:
1)     The goal of Shincheonji is for all people to reach salvation as according to the Bible, and other than a handful of young adults who were thrown out of their families, churches, workplaces and school, most young adults of Shincheonji are living healthy lives in school, work, and family.

2)   Even for the extremely few young adults who left their homes, it was not verified that it was because of Shincheonji Church. They were thrown out of their homes outside of their will, and the investigative agencies never acknowledged that Shincheonji promotes people to run away from their homes. PD Notes claimed that a child was suing his own parents, but this took place at his own home during a conversion education (resulting in being locked up at a mental institution), and did not take place while attending Shincheonji Church. Divorces were also because of the violence caused by the husbands who were attending other churches. There is no evidence that Shincheonji promotes divorces.

3)   Shincheonji Church never allowed the youth of the young adults to be thrown away by claiming religious freedom, or putting their parents and sibling in pain. Rather, what is factual is that the parents, siblings, relatives, and the conversion educators are the ones who put the youth in pain. Shincheonji Church or the Chairman are not “fake religious,” and there is no evidence to say that it is not a proper religion or that it does not carry out basic duties of a person. Such actions were actually committed by the accusers, and PD Notes falsely and misleadingly reported such accusations without facts.

Falsifying, Misleading Report 7. The portion of the interview with Min Kook Kim (alias) :
PD Notes, on December 25, 2007, inserted a subtitle during the reporting of the interview with Min Kook Kim, saying that he is a former member of Shinchonji.

Correction·Counterevidence 7. After verifying the fact:
Min Gook Kim never attended Shincheonji Church, and he was not a member of Shincheonji Church. These schemes were revealed as plans to destroy Shincheonji, meaning it was a falsifying and misleading reporting that was broadcasted to deceive people.

Falsifying, Misleading Report 8. The portion of purchasing the 4th floor of the OO
Shopping center in Gwacheon:
PD Notes, on May 8, 2007, falsely and distortedly broadcasted that Shincheonji’s headquarters building on the 4th floor of the OO shopping center was purchased for 400 million Won, and that the 4th floor church was purchased under the name of Man Hee Lee’s son.

Correction·Counterevidence 8. After verifying the fact:
The 4th floor of the OO shopping center used as Shincheonji’s headquarters was purchased with 150 million won, yet they wrongly reported it as 400 million won. They broadcasted without making known the reason why they had to purchase the 4th floor of the OO shopping center using the name of the Chairman’s son. They raised the suspicion and misunderstanding of the viewers who do not know these reasons, making them raise questions about embezzlement. Although it was very clear that the church finances were not misused (the police investigation confirmed this), the PD Notes production team did not verify facts nor interviewed Shincheonji Church, and broadcasted a misleading report only based on what the informants have told them.

Falsifying, Misleading Report 9. The portion regarding CCTV related to Soo Ji Lee (alias).
On the December 25th, 2007 and May 8th, 2007, PD Notes falsely reported that Soo Ho Lee (alias) grabbed his sister Soo Ji Lee (alias) from the back and brought her out of the police station in Ahn San, by showing a CCTV footage of the incident. In an interview with Soo Ho Lee, it reportedly misleadingly that, “Crying and begging… those people… my mother was dragged around everywhere on the floor of the police station…”

Correction·Counterevidence 9. After verifying the fact:
This is the scene when the older brother, Soo Ho Lee, is dragging his sister, Soo Ji Lee, from the back at the Ahn San Wah Dong Police Station against her will. Since it is not the church members of Shincheonji forcefully dragging Soo Ji Lee or her mother on the floor, this was a falsifying and misleading broadcast.

Falsifying, Misleading Report 10. The portion regarding “certificate of eternal life”:
On May 8th, 2007, PD Notes broadcasted that, “With the new year’s allowance 5,000 Won, Man Hee Lee personally wrote and gave this certificate to eternal life.” Following this, it broadcasted a one-sided interview of Soo Kyung Kim (alias) in which she
Said, “I received it with a fearful and trembling heart. That is why at that time when I met him he gave me a autograph with ‘eternal life’ on it. The people there… So I was given the certificate of eternal life, as people around me congratulated me for it.”

Correction·Counterevidence 10. After verifying the fact:
The Chairman never wrote a “certificate to eternal life,” nor has he ever spoken of it that way. February 2, 2006, on the lunar new year’s celebration day, the Chairman gave each of the 8 young adults who were there a notebook, written with “Blessings, Treasure,” “Blessings, Heaven,” “Blessings, Development”, with “Blessings, Eternal Life,” to Soo Kyung Kim, with words of blessings.
Only Soo Kyung Kim claims that this is a “certificate to eternal life,” and it was broadcasted differently than the good intention the Chairman had. The broadcasted it so that it would seem like the Chairman gives out or sells “certificates to eternal life,” to the viewers and others who did not know the situation. This misleading reporting was to give the image of Shincheonji Church being a fake religious organization.
Is it wrong for a person of religious to bless eternal life to his disciples, as according to the Bible? As Jesus was also called a cult (sect), his words now being called “cult” allow us to know whose spirit entered into the accusers.

Falsifying, Misleading Report 11. The portion regarding the restriction of the temple:
On December 25th, 2007, PD Notes falsely broadcasted the following content: “Fortunately after watching this broadcast, some people left Shincheonji. The number of new members decreased after the broadcasting, but Gwacheon Shincheonji Church was still full. But security was tightened, and the members took turns to keep watching in order to ban others from entering. This is to block people from leaving Shincheonji.”

Correction·Counterevidence 11. After verifying the fact:
Shincheonji Church, a religious organization, has a need to check the attendance matters of the congregation members to maintain the faithwalk of the thousands of members. For the effectiveness of maintaining attendance, an attendance system was introduced. The ushers were put in place to guide people regarding this system. They falsely broadcasted such matter to make it seem like Shincheonji was stopping people from leaving, making new members stand outside for night watch, blocking the outsiders from entering, and locking people up. Even a child knows that bigger churches need systems to maintain their thousands of congregation members. They broadcasted this with the purpose of burying Shincheonji.
They made up these many lies and broadcasted them, but the number of congregation members did not decrease and there are none leaving. There were no events of guards being set up and people being told to keep watch at night, and the outsiders were never restricted to enter. The fact that even more members are coming in after the falsifying broadcast proves that the words of PD Notes were lies.

Falsifying, Misleading Report 12. The portion of claiming Shinchonji to be “fake”
On December 25th, 2007, PD Notes broadcasted with a question like, “(holding the word ‘fake’ in the hand) “Is Shincheonji, led by its leader Man Hee Lee, truly a correct religion? This is what the viewers must judge. However, before discussing about eternal life, shouldn’t one carry out the proper and basic duties of a human being?”
With such question, PD Notes broadcasted to give an image of Shincheonji Church and the Chairman Man Hee Lee were a fake religious organization that ignores basic duties of a human being.

Correction·Counterevidence 12. After verifying the fact:
The content spoken above has no evidence. Instead, it is as if they were talking about their own personal characters. Shincheonji Church and the Chairman are not fake, but they are the orthodoxy of orthodoxy, and they teach the greatest religious teaching as they testify to the Revealed Word with the 5 Ws and 1 H.
The duty of a person is something the Chairman sees as an important virtue. The Chairman is a soldier who fought in the front line of the 6.25 war for the nation and its people. Though he is a veteran of merits, he does not accept the benefits as a person of national merit, and he often does not take the money they give out in church for those with duty. Through many different volunteer organizations, he is doing the greatest work of volunteerism in the nation.
Many times we offered different denominations and churches to meet for a public debate. However, there was no one to debate with since the offer was never accepted. Even during a Shincheonji public seminar (Open Bible Seminar) the Chairman said, “I did not come to judge, but came to be judged”. But there was not one person who pointed out any wrong. Shincheonji has won with the truth. Shincheonji’s creed is “the City of Truth, the Kingdom of Righteousness and Justice, the Greatest Holy Kings.” The purpose of Shincheonji in all matters is to follow God’s will, giving life, rather than taking away life.

The fact that people are gathering from Protestant churches to Shincheonji is the evidence that Shincheonji Church and the Chairman Man Hee Lee is the correct church and person.
Even in the worldly sense, the Chairman is in a position that is far ahead than PD Notes, since he comes from the lineage of 500 years of Chosun royal family—he does not lack in anything.
Speak correctly. Just like what we saw in the beginning, is it a correct church and a person who falsely and misleading report?
The producers of PD Notes called the Chairman, “the owner of the religious.” The doctrine of Shincheonji Church of Jesus is Jesus’ doctrine, and therefore Jesus is the owner of this church. Calling Chairman Man Hee Lee a “fake” is the evidence that the producer is a fake.
Jesus spoke about Eternal life (Reference: Jn 8:51-53). If one is a believer of Jesus, then according to Jesus’ commands, he must pray for eternal life, and this is keeping the commands of Jesus. So then, what is so wrong about this?
The words of the producer are the same words of the Pharisees who had the spirit of the devil in them. What else could explain it?
Are the people who are trying to destroy Shincheonji through false and distorted reporting carrying on the duties of a person? If one does not know the Bible, then he must shut his mouth regarding Biblical things. If one does not know what the duties of a person are, it would be great for them to come to Shincheonji to learn them.
If PD Note has the courage to meet for a public debate to give the full account, then come out. Shincheonji will testify with other media outlets and press conferences that rules PD Notes’ claim as false.
If PD Notes correctly reported as an organization who knows the duties of a man, then why was there a correction broadcast ordered? At this time, Shincheonji will not broadcast a “counterevidence,” but broadcast and report only the truth itself.

Source: Healing All Nations 

1 comment:

  1. The wise have their own eyes which can see the core of things. be reasonable and sensible on every matter at issue. Then, everything will turn out whether it is true or false. Yes, it is.
