Friday, April 12, 2013

Shincheonji bible study - God and Church;Religion(1)

Look around you.
There are so much beautiful sceneries near you.
Specially these days, I could see lots of flowers are blooming. How nice!!

By the way, have you ever thought about the creator of this world?
Who made this wonderful world and why?

No one can create the nature. No one can even make any grass on the ground.
Only God, he created the world and everything.
That is what the Bible says.

Today, I'd like to let you know about God and the Church(Religion).

God and the Church(Religion)

Reference: Jn 1:1-4 (Genesis 1)

The One and only God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. He is the one who is in control of mankind’s life, death, curses and blessings. All things made have been created by God, and all things have been created by the Word (Gen 1, Jn 1:1-4). The Creator is the most holy divine being. Furthermore, God who created the heavens and the earth and everything in them, is the Father of all creation and God loves His creation.

From the time of Adam until now, God has fulfilled everything exactly according to His promises. God fulfills all He has spoken within His Word. The Word is living and active, and this Word is God.

Just as it is difficult communicating with foreign citizens, unless the language is learned (that nation’s language), from the time of Adam’s corruption until today, all creation has lived in a generation of not knowing God. Before the corruption of Adam, there was communication between man and creation, however after God left, Adam and creation were no longer able to communicate.

Using the words God spoke through Jesus, the winds, the waves and even the trees obeyed (Mt 8:27, Mt 21:19). Even the fish and bread obeyed this word (Mt 14:17-21). This was possible depending on whether or not God was with them and this difference was huge. It is evident God, who is the Word, can control and rule over creation. It is possible for a person to rule over all of creation in the heavens and the earth, only if God is together as one with that person, this is the main requirement.

God is the Word that existed since the beginning (Jn 1:1), Jesus, the Son born of the seed of God’s word, is also the Word (1Jn 1:1), and God was together with him as one. Jesus, whom God was one with, had the same power as God (Jn 5, Acts 10:38). This will be the same for us when we are reborn by God’s seed, and become a new creation reborn by God’s spirit, just as it is promised in the Bible (Jn 3:5, 1Pe 1:23), then even creation will respond to our commands.

When we put off our corrupted sinful clothes, to become a new creation through God’s seed, and when God is one with us, we will then become the family of God, entering back into our original state of creation, experiencing the value of true life.

It is for this reason, religion, or churches, came into existence. Church is where the will of God, the true God, is taught. It is not a place to learn worldly knowledge. In order for a church to fully carry out its duty, it must first be a place where God and Jesus dwell. Just as Jesus’ words proclaim, “Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from him comes to me,” (Jn 6:45), the church must be a place where God’s will is taught.

Source: Healing all nations

1 comment:

  1. Everything in this world including us is born of the same father, God! The language, the word of God, is the key to the perfect and harmonizing communication for us. Thank you, God for giving me even a piece of your wisdom, which can illuminate the whole world, though.
