Saturday, April 13, 2013

Shincheonji church - God and the Church(Religion) (2)

God must dwell there, in order for God’s word to exist there; Jesus must dwell there in order for Jesus’ words to exist there, and the person who learns at the church where God and Jesus dwell, becomes one who learns from God and Jesus. A church where God does not dwell does not have God’s Word, but only worldly words, man’s words. These churches are not God’s churches, but are the worldly churches. These places are not even considered apart of religion; it is merely man’s churches. Religion, or God’s churches, must have God, the owner, dwelling there; and as a result of God being there, His words are able to come out from there. Congregation members attend churches to hear the words of God, not to hear man’s words.

Life is contained within God’s word (Jn 1:1-4), and those who receive the word of life, have the breath of life, and as a result, the once withered and dead spirit will come back to life (resurrection to life) [Jn 5:24-29]. Inside the words of man are contained the corrupt, hereditary sins, there is the poison which leads to death, and the life of the spirit who listens to these words shortens and withers. This is like the sun setting near the western mountain서산(西山)에 가까운 해와 같다 (Using an old figure of speech: Just like the setting sun in the west~ “man’s words will eventually bring a person’s spirit to an end”).

The natural order and purpose of religion, the will of the True God, is to take the world which has died and bring it back to life with God’s breath of life. If God’s will is not taught at a church, but only man’s thoughts prevail, if only the teachings of man are clanging loudly, and power is grown for the sake of authority and money, then shouldn’t these kinds of churches be demolished?

God does not dwell at a place like this.
The end of age the New Testament prophesied is referring to the end of age of the churches (Mt 24, Rv 13). This era comes to an end, and the new promised temple and teaching, clearly shown in Revelation chapters 15 and 14, is created. It is the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, Zion (Zion Seminary Mission Center) where all nations will come and worship.

What is the value of reading and perceiving the Scriptures? It is to find this promised place to gain salvation. God’s promised temple, where the Bible is made known, is where God dwells, so His words will come out from there (Is 2:3, Mic 4:2, Rv 14:1-3). God is one with the Word and this Word is life, so where the Word is located, this is where God dwells and life is found (Jn 1:1-4). One must be born of this seed of life to inherit eternal life. As a result of being born from God’s seed, we become sons of God (children of God) and become the family of heaven. Amen!

Source: Healing All Nations


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. the reason Shinchonji is drawing its world wide adherents is they are focusing on God's word only, not man's.
