Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Shincheonji bible study - The Classification of Pastors

How many kinds of pastors are there in the Bible?
There are four.

1.prophetic pastors (pastors of prophecy)
The prophetic pastor is the one God chooses to allow to prophecy what will be fulfilled. This pastor is also called a prophet because he sees and hears what will be done in the future. Prophecy, the prediction of the future, is God's prophecy, promise, and the blueprint of what is to come. When it is fulfilled, it is done exactly as He prophesies. The prophecy before the First Coming of Jesus Christ is the Old Testament, and the prophecy after Jesus Christ is the New Testament.

2.promised pastors
The promised pastor is the one God promised through prophets in the Bible. For example, at the First Coming, Jesus Christ was the pastor God promised (Isa 7:14, Jn 5:37-39). God fulfills prophecy through the promised pastor and lets him testify what has been fulfilled through the Bible. Also, God, who prophesies, will come to the promise pastor, dwell with him, and fulfill the prophecies.

3.general pastors
The general pastor is the one who preaches the Law of the Old Testament, or sees and preaches what has appeared through prophecies being fulfilled. The pastors who preached the Law of Moses were general pastors, and those who preach what Jesus Christ fulfilled up to this day, are also called general pastors.

*Among these three pastors, the promised pastor is the number one and most important, next would be the pastor of prophecy. General pastors are unlike the twelve disciples and other apostles of the time (Paul etc…), they are not the promised pastors, they are just pastors who saw the fulfillment and deliver the prophecies that have been fulfilled to their descendents.

4.false pastors
The false pastor is the one who preaches lies. The seed of lies is what the devil gives to these pastors (Jn 8:44). The devil chooses a liar as his pastor or herald and lets him testify his words. He is the one who falsely says that he is saved, proclaims orthodoxy and condemns those who tell the truth as heresy, persecuting them. At the end of the age, many false pastors will appear, just as Jesus Christ prophesied (Mt 24:11-12).

Because believers don't know the Bible, they don't know whether the pastors of their denominations are telling the truth or lying. They are saying Amen without questioning (Mt 7:21-23). As a result of this, they are receiving lies, the devil's seed, and becoming the sons of the devil. The believers at the end of the age, can know the truth when they meet the promised pastor, who is prophesied in the Bible. At the First Coming of Jesus Christ, general pastors, who preached the Old Testament (the Law), became one with false pastors who received the devil's spirit, and we all know what they did to Jesus Christ. The Bible says it will be the same at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Rev 13,16).

Even though people may not have the ears and the eyes of the holy spirit, they should pray continuously with the words of the Bible. At the end of the age, you can find your way to life, when you meet the promised pastor from among the four kinds of pastors. The promised pastor of the Old Testament was one who overcomes, Jesus Christ, and the promised pastor of the New Testament is also the one who overcomes, the new John, whom Jesus promised in Rev 2-3.

Source: Healing All Nations


  1. The Bible so much fun, Thank you for clarifying.
    I'll try to be according to the will of God that believers

  2. wow^^~~shinchonji fantastic!!!

  3. I hope all of believers meet Shinchonji and listen to the words of God.
    I admire the clear his answers. logical presentation of God's will.

  4. I really hope to every christians are meet shinchonji

  5. I have never listened about four pastors
    I realliy exiting this words

  6. How scared! I could receive the seed of the evil without knowing what it is. Learn the bible.
