Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Shincheonji Testimony of faith: ‘God’s voice telling me to go to Berlin

<Graduation Speech>

God’s voice telling me to go to Berlin
And there meeting the promised pastor

 This is a confession of a member overseas who has graduated from Zion Church Center
I am OO OOO from Congo, Africa. I became a Catholic devotee due to my parent’s influence since I was little, but later on I converted to Protestantism as I became an adult. After, in the city of Bremen, Germany, I would participate in Bible study meetings almost every day, and without a doubt, never missed a Sunday service. Despite all this, I cried and prayed to God day by day at the fact that I didn’t know what God’s will and righteousness was.  .

During a prayer, I received an answer telling me to leave Bremen. I was helpless, not knowing where to go, so I prayed desperately to God. And then, at last, I received another answer telling me to go to Berlin. Despite the many complications, I obeyed by moving to Berlin. However, I was again unable to hear God’s words. During service, I would go to the restroom and confine myself there until it ended. “God, I do not want to go to a church where there is no word. But since you sent me here, I cannot leave. Please, save me,” as I said with an empty heart, I desperately held onto praying.

 Obeying God’s word by moving to Berlin from Bremen, Germany.
 And then one day, near the end of year 2010, I met a woman, who turned my life 180 degrees. The first time I met her, she asked me three questions. The first question was ‘Do you understand Mat 24:29,’ and I answered, “I don’t know.” The second question was ‘Do you want to know the answer,’ and the third question was, ‘Do you want to learn God’s word.’ As if I was drowning in water and caught a hold of a straw, I told her, “I really want to learn.”

Right away, I started a one-on-one Bible study with the woman, which then did I discover God’s will in sending me to Berlin. I was extremely hungry for God’s word, so God showed compassion on me and bestowed a gift of grace upon me. In May 2011, I entered Zion Church Center and met a wonderful instructor, whom I’ve began to learn the word of Revelation from.

I was one to never catch a cold in his life, but as soon as I entered, I started to become very sick. I had doubts about making it through; however, with the help of the prayers of the instructor and member’s and the word that was food from the center, I was able to overcome the illness. I completed the Introductory Test that I worried about, and then my prayer request changed. ‘God, please help me to meet the promised pastor just once.” 

 May 12, the unforgettable day I met the promised pastor in Berlin
But what is this? The promised pastor I have been longing to meet was coming to Europe! I couldn’t sleep! I wasn’t hungry even if I didn’t eat. I prayed with joy and waited eagerly until the day the promised pastor came. As if it was a coincidence, just 10 days before the Chairman Lee Man Hee’s arrival, I was able to give my first service at Shinchonji Church. The bright look Shinchonji family had on while greeting me was like that of an angel.

 May 12, 2012, the most precious day to me that will be remembered forever.

 You can find the rest of the contents at Shinchonji Internet Broadcasting Temple of Truth (

1 comment:

  1. There is no one can come to God and Jesus unless God won't lead and let go~!
