Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Shincheonji Church : About denominations of christianity

What do you think about denominations of christianity?
Do you think all the denominations are right?

What should the Church of Jesus teach?
The teaching of the Church of Jesus is the education, which God is with. It is the education of heaven that brings the dead to life, grants the forgiveness of sin, resurrects people, makes people born again, and leads people from death to life.

What is the right Church?
Let's examine this.

  *In the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was with God, and the Word was God. From the very beginning the Word was with God. Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him. The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to people.(John 1:1-4)

You see the verse, John 1:1, "the Word was God."
So, if the Church is with God, this Church must have the word of God.

About denominations of christianity.
There are a few Christian denominations in this globe that lack the word. The one that lacks the word the most is the Unification Church, second is the Catholic Church, third is Calvin’s Presbyterian Church, and fourth is the Full Gospel Church. It has been said that Protestantism emerged from Catholicism due to its sin and untruth. This Protestantism, however, has also been divided into hundreds of denominations due to the same reasons. If one closely investigates such divided denominations, he will be unable to see any biblical basis. The names and the doctrines of those denominations were created by people’s personal judgments. Even the pastors and church workers were appointed by men’s will.

Moses built the tabernacle according to what he had seen and heard in heaven. The Law with which he educated people was also granted by heaven. Likewise, Jesus went up to heaven, and he saw, heard, and received the command to teach the revelation (refer to Jn 3:13; Mt 11:27).

The denominations that have been created since Jesus’ ascension are not like Moses and Jesus. They have been created merely based on men’s own will.

What do you think?


  1. To break the cycle in the darkness of ignorance, what we need is the word of the truth. Let me out of the darkness and lead me to the way to the light.

  2. If the Church is with God, this Church must have the word of God.

  3. if the Church is with God, this Church must have the word of God.
