Thursday, April 4, 2013

Shincheonji bible study -The Seeds of Two Spirits(1)

Main Reference: Mt 13:24-30

In the bible, there are two kinds of seeds explained within the parables.
Whose and what kind of seeds are they? The two seeds are the two kinds of spirits, the spirit of God and the spirit of Satan.

The two kinds of seeds, that were sown at Jesus’ first coming, was the fulfillment of the promise made between God and Jeremiah approximately 2,600 years ago. After this promise was given it was fulfilled 600 years later through Jesus (Jer 31:27, Mt 13:24-28). The seed that Jesus sowed was the seed of God and the seed the Pharisees sowed was the seed of Satan (Mt 13:24-30; 37-39, Mt 23). The seeds that Jesus sowed are the people of the kingdom of God and the seeds the Pharisees sowed are the people of the evil one (Mt 13:38).

The two kinds of seeds were growing in the field of Jesus, the world of Christianity (1Cor 3:9), until Jesus’ second coming (Mt 13:29-30). During the harvest, the two kinds of seeds are being separated. The good seeds are going to be harvested to the barn and the weeds are going to be left in the field and burned.

As stated above, God first made a promise to Jeremiah and then came to Jesus to fulfill the promise. This was accomplished by Jesus sowing the good seeds and the evil pastors sowing the seed of the devil. These seeds are not physical seeds but spiritual seeds (Jn 1:12-13). Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the spirit gives birth to spirit (Jn 3:5-6).


  1. Thank you for understanding bible's meaning

  2. Belief on the fulfillment of the prophecy can lead us to God!

  3. Thank you for clarification of the seeds in the bible.
