Monday, March 18, 2013

Shincheonji bible study - The structure of God’s throne

Why did God give us the Bible? What is it that he wants us to understand? God gave us the Bible so we can understand him and obey his will. God forbid us from building idols in the form of anything in heaven, on earth, or in the waters below and he forbid us from bowing down and worshiping gods of our own creation (Ex 20:3-5;Ex 34:14; Jo 23:7).

The problem was that people wanted to worship something they could see, but God was invisible. This is why they disobeyed God and continued to build idols and images of their own gods. How do you think God felt as he watched his people worship and pray to their idols?

God appointed Moses and Solomon to build a copy and shadow of what was in heaven (i.e., the structure of God’s throne) on the earth (Heb 8:5; Heb 10:1). Since God could not tolerate sin, he could no longer dwell among his people. God and the hierarchy of angels surrounding his throne in the spiritual realm were forced to leave people because of their sins (Gn 3; Gn 6:1-3). This is why God gave people a shadow and copy of what is in heaven as a reminder. The physical buildings they built, however, were made obsolete when Jesus came and made the new covenant. At the time of the first coming, Jesus established the new covenant with his blood. He shed his blood for the atonement of sins and promised he would drink that blood anew with us in his Father’s coming kingdom (Mt 26:26-29). In other words, God is creating a new kingdom and people with those who write his laws (i.e., the new wine) in their minds and hearts (Heb 8:10; Heb 10:16-17). At the second coming, heaven and earth—the spiritual and physical realms—unite as one. This is why there is no longer any need for the shadow and copy of what is in heaven.

At the time of Moses, people set up the golden lampstand and the twelve loaves of consecrated bread while they made sacrifices. They also built the Sea, which sat on twelve bulls facing north, south, east and west, and the four living creatures (Ex 25-27; Lv 24; 1 Kgs 7). These things were all a shadow and copy of what is in heaven, not the reality. At the time of Revelation’s fulfillment, Jesus purchases with his blood the people who have sealed the word of revelation on their hearts and minds. He washes them in his blood to make them God’s priests and people. When God, Jesus, and all the angels—the reality of the entire kingdom of heaven in the spiritual realm—descends to the earth (Rv 21), there is no longer any reason for the shadows and copies built by men. When the spirits in heaven unite with the flesh on earth (2 Co 5:1-4; Rv 20:4-6), the copies made by Moses and Solomon become a true reality.

God, Jesus, the angels, and everyone on earth who believes in God’s promises have been waiting in eager expectation to unite and to live together forever (Rom 8:19-23). Today, since the true reality has appeared and been revealed to the world, there is no longer any reason for the copy and shadow to exist.

God and his angels are here with us in Shinchonji (Rv 4; Rv 7; Rv 21). The twelve loaves of consecrated bread, the seven golden lampstands, the twelve oxen facing north, west, south and east, the sea of glass, and the four living creatures are here. We are the true entities of the unification of spirit and flesh. Paul referred to us as God’s fields, God’s buildings, and God’s vessels (1 Cor 3:9; 1 Cor 3:16; Rom 9:21-24). This is what God desires. We, the people of Shinchonji, are the people of God born again through the unity of heaven and earth (spirit and flesh). People who believe in God’s promises and who want to attain salvation and eternal life will come to Shinchonji.

Source: Healing All Nations


  1. God and his angels are here with us in Shinchonji (Rv 4; Rv 7; Rv 21). Amen!

  2. Thank you by the word of God's truth.

  3. We are all united in God's promise as the entities recorded in the bible. All people who believe in God's promise must be in the promised place where the one who overcomes as written in the revelation is. We are here! because we are the entities. Thank you, God!
