Saturday, March 30, 2013

Shincheonji - The Three Secrets of the New Testament

People are unable to gain salvation if they do not know about
the three secrets of the New Testament.

Among the three secrets,
one is the secret of the seven stars and the seven golden lampstands (Rev 1:20).
Another secret is of the woman and of the beast, which has seven heads and ten horns (Rev 17:5-13),
and the third is the secret of the seventh trumpet (Rev 10:7).

God said in Amos 3:7, “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.”. Today is the time of the fulfillment of Revelation. At this time, God tells the secrets of the New Testament to the one referred to as the New John, the chosen pastor, and makes him deliver the testimony.

Let’s look into the three secrets of the New Testament.

The seven stars were in the hand of Jesus and he walked among the seven golden lampstands. That is to say, they were chosen by Jesus and he worked through them, but they became betrayers (Rev 2:,13:).

The woman and the beast, which has seven heads and ten horns, were the destroyers, the false pastors (Rev. 13), who destroyed the people of the first tabernacle of the seven stars (messengers), the tabernacle of the seven lampstands, the tabernacle of heaven in Rev 13.

The seventh trumpet is figurative for the one who is overcomes in Rev 2 & 3. The male child, whom the woman gave birth to and his fellow brothers, fought against the beast, the false pastors, who were the destroyers, and won the war. The seventh trumpet is the sound of salvation, which proclaims that the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord (Rev 12:7-11, 11:15).

Revelation proclaims the end of spiritual Israel, and the events of the second coming of Jesus. The events of the betrayers, destroyers, and saviors were already spoken of within the scriptures (Mt 24:, 2Thes 2:1-4). If you do not know about these three secret groups (mountain, church), the group of the betrayers, the destroyers, and saviors, you cannot truly understand which side you are on. You are unable to know who the betrayer, destroyer, and savior really are.

Jesus said, ‘I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.’ (Jn 14:29). The man who is competent in the truth of Revelation, the one Jesus promised ahead of time so we would believe in him, can distinguish the betrayer, destroyer, and savior when they appear. However, the man who does not know the truth about Revelation cannot distinguish these things, even though he sees them.

Until now, the Revelation was sealed and the actual entities had not appeared, so we could not know the true reality. However, today, the Revelation has been fulfilled, and the actual entities have physically appeared. As it was previously foretold, only one man, the New John, saw the events of the fulfillment and was given the understanding by God. We also are able to see and know the fulfillment by this man (Rev 1:1-2, 22:16, 10:). Therefore, believers can come to know the three secrets of the New Testament and the groups they represent, when they meet the promised pastor of the New Testament, and receive the testimony from him.

Today, in the end times, the person who ignores this word and only believe in his pastor will be unable to receive salvation.

We hope you to realize this truth and search to find and meet the promised pastor.

Source: Healing All Nations


  1. I am so glad to read The three secrets of New testament. Hallelujah

  2. Thank you for the great teach and show me how to know the God'will

  3. I realized for the first time the three seacrets of new testament thank you for GOD

  4. To know which side I am on, I have to know the betrayers, the destroyers and the savior. what an impression!
