Saturday, March 2, 2013

Shincheonji: I was once a famous pastor, but now I am a member of Shincheonji Church.

I was once a famous pastor, but now I go to Shincheonji Church. I would like to tell you my story.

Since my parents were strong Christians, I used to go to church every Sunday. I had believed in God naturally. When I grew up, I met a man and soon got married to him. We were happy together, but there was one thing we always argued about and that was religion. I loved going to church every week to listen to the words of God. However, my husband didn't understand and asked me to stop going to church. We used to have a lot of arguments concerning it, but I couldn't give up my belief.

In the meantime, I brought up four children, and dedicated to take care of them. Time went by and I turned 46 years old, which was the hardest time in my life. My husband was hit by car and became in a vegetative state.

There was no hope. I felt so confused and didn't know what to do. At that time, something hit in my mind.
'Why did God protect my family? Does God have something to say to me? I should ask him what should I do from now on.'
Then I decided to go to the prayers' house where believers stay to pray all day long.
I started to stay there for a while. I had prayed all day long to hear his voice and suddenly I heard his voice. God said,
"You are my servant now. Take care of my church."
His voice was so strong that it was very clear.

However, I didn't think I could do it because I didn't have any money to go to a theological school to learn.
"I wish I could, but I can't afford to do it my Lord," I said as I prayed and prayed.
A few days later, one of the church members visited me and gave me cash and gold. I was shocked!
'Did she know my situation or why is she trying to help me out?' I thought. She said she had seen me during praying. God showed her.
I got the money and praised my almighty God.

Despite my old age, I entered a theological school. Since I was a normal house wife, I didn't know the Bible, so I needed to study hard. I slept only 2, 3 hours and studied the rest of my time. I read the Bible enthusiastically. I just thought that when I read it many times, I would be able to understand it, but it was not enough. After graduating, I became a pastor managing a small church and God gave me a particular gift, which was the power to cure disease. You may think it is unbelievable. Yes. I also couldn't believe at first. However it worked. Through my prayers, patients was cured and restored their health.

Since I've got that talent, I became a famous evangelist. The news spread out all over the country. A lot of people visited my church to cure their body. There was no place to sit whenever I preached the words of God. Some of them held worship outside the church. Some pastors asked me to visit their church to cure their people. I toured cities healing the cancer patients.

I earned a large amount of money, and was very happy to be a God's servant. But I always had a big question in my mind.
'Am I really preaching the words of God? Do I have real knowledge of him?'
Even though I had read the entire Bible thirty three times and was taking the doctor course of theology, I still didn't know God's will. Because even the professor didn't know the meaning of prophecy about the second coming of Jesus clearly. All of their theories were opinions and guesses from doctors.

After one year later, one of my friend proposed doing a Bible study with me. I said yes because I was still thirsty, and I needed to learn more to finish the thesis for my doctorate.
It was different from those I used to study in my school. The pastor knew the real meaning of the prophecies. He preached only the Bible and it was so clear and easy to understand. I felt happy that I met the Truth finally! And I became known the study was from Shincheonji.
Our church called it a cult and I had heard about it very well. But I couldn't give up the words of God. I was sure the words that I had studied were the Truth. I needed to check it through my eyes whether it was a cult or not.

I went there and had service. I realized the things that I heard were total lies. And Shincheonji was definitely right. I couldn't find anything wrong or bad indeed.
I decided to stop doubting and be a member of Shincheonji. And I quit my own study to gain a doctorate degree. I realized it was God's will that I came here to know his true will. He had listened to my prayers and I got the answer from Shincheonji.

After studying, I learned that the 6,000 years of the Bible has been opened and revealed at this time. No one can truly know the will of God. But Jesus understood the true will of God and the meaning of Revelation because he had entered heaven and saw and heard everything that God showed him. Therefore, only those who received the meaning of Revelation from Jesus could know the true God.
The Bible says that the spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God (1 Cor 2:10). When the sealed book of revelation is opened, true faith is revealed.

I am so glad and proud of being a Shincheonji member. I have real freedom. And I hope all of believers meet Shincheonji and listen to the words of God.


  1. I Hope too Everyone Listen to the words of God

  2. You need to check it through your eyes whether Shinchonji is a cult or not.
    Do not listen to other people says. Just listen to what Bible says.
    The 6,000 years of the Bible has been opened and revealed at this time. Rejoice! I have real freedom. And I hope all of believers meet Shinchonji and listen to the words of God.

  3. Wow~ !
    very amazing story.
    I want to know more about the faith of shinchonji.

  4. I hope all of believers meet Shinchonji and listen to the words of God.

  5. how impressive her story is! To know God and His word is to open our eyes which enables us to see the truth hidden in the bible.

  6. God bless all of you a member of Shincheonji~!
